  1. Name: Khalid Abdulla Mohammed
  2. Nationality: Iraqi.
  1. MB, ChB (Baghdad University)
  2. MRCP (UK)
  3. FRCP (London)
  4. FRCP (Edinburgh)

Last positions:
  1. Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq. 1989-2006 (Head of the Department of Medicine 1989-2001)
  2. Consultant physician and nephrologist, Kadhimiya Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq. 1989-2006 (Head of the Renal Unit 1989-2001)
  3. Member of the Scientific Council of Internal Medicine of the Arab Board of Medical Specialties, Damascus, Syria. 1989-2006.
  4. Consultant physician and nephrologist, Shoresh hospital, Sulaimaniya, Iraq, 2007-2009.

Previous positions:
  1. Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine, Mosul University, (September 1987 - Sep.1989).
  2. Consultant Physician and nephrologist, Mosul Republican and Mosul General Hospitals, (Feb. 1971 - Sep. 1989).
  3. Head of the Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Mosul University, (July 1983 - August 1986).
  4. Member of the Scientific Council of Internal Medicine of the Iraqi Board of Medical Specialties (1986-1996).
  5. Assistant Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine, Mosul University, (March 1975 - September 1987.)
  6. Head of the Renal Unit, Mosul General Hospital, (June 1974 - Sep. 1989).
  7. Honorary registrar, Dept. of Renal Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, London (October 1975- March 1976)
  8. Lecturer in Medicine, College of Medicine, Mosul University, (Feb. 1971 - March 1975).
  9. Senior House Officer, Dept. of Nephrology, St. Philip’s and St. Paul’s hospitals, London. (July 1967- December 1967). 
  10. A scholarship (Ministry of Higher Education) for training in Internal Medicine in the United Kingdom, (June 1966 - Dec. 1970).
  11. Resident, senior resident then chief resident, Dept. of Medicine, Republican Teaching Hospital, Baghdad. (Jan. 1963 - June 1966).
  12. Medical Officer, Kirkuk Military Hospital, (Dec. 1961 - Dec. 1962).

    Experience in Medical Education: (1971-2006)

    Undergraduate Teaching:
    Theoretical: lectures in internal medicine mainly renal diseases, electrolytes and hydrogen ion disturbances.
    Clinical: Bedside teaching sessions to various levels of undergraduates.

    Postgraduate teaching:
    Regular ward rounds with resident doctors training for the MRCP (UK), the Certificates of the Arab Board of Medical Specialties and the Iraqi Board of Medical Specialties in Internal Medicine.
    Postgraduate lectures and tutorials.
    Regular chairmanship or participation in the following weekly activities: staff clinical meetings, death conferences, journal clubs and seminars.

    Undergraduate examinations:
    Besides regularly examining in the final and in-course examinations of undergraduate students in Al-Nahrain University College of Medicine and Mosul College of Medicine, I acted as external examiner in graduation examinations of the Medical Colleges of: Baghdad University, Basra University, Mustansyria University and Salah-El-Din University.

    Postgraduate examinations:
    Regular examiner in postgraduate examinations of the Scientific Council of Internal Medicine of the Iraqi Board of Medical Specialties since its establishment in 1986.
    An examiner in postgraduate examinations of the Council of Internal Medicine of The Arab Board of Medical Specialties since 1991.


    1. El-Sayed M., Shikara I., Jawadi A.I., Al-Mallah Z., Abdulla K., Uthman S.Y., Al-Hasso A.R. and Mahmood N.A., Ischoemic heart disease in women : A study of 100 cases, Annals of the College of Medicine - Mosul, 1974, 5, 79-90.
    2. Khalid Abdulla, Hereditary Haemorrhagic telengiectasia: Report of an Arab family, Iraqi Medical Journal, 1974, 22, No. 3&4, 30-36.
    3. Khalid Abdulla, Vaccinia gangrenosa in association with chronic lymphatic leukemia, Annals of The College of Medicine - Mosul, 1975, 6, 31-35.
    4. Khalid Abdulla, Urinary tract infections in Mosul, Annals of The College of Medicine - Mosul, 1976, 7, 9-20
    5. Khalid Abdulla, Complications and outcome of peritoneal dialysis in Mosul Dialysis Unit, Annals of The College of Medicine - Mosul, 1979, 10, 49-53.
    6. Khalid Abdulla, Chronic renal failure in Northern Iraq : Incidence and causes, Iraqi Medical Journal, 1979, 27, No. 3&4, 43 - 45.
    7. Hatim I., Tapoo A., Gazala W. and Abdulla K., Giant solitary colonic air cyst, Journal of The Faculty of Medicine - Baghdad, 1983, 25, 2, 99 - 104.
    8. Khalid Abdulla, Acute renal failure in Mosul Renal Unit : Retrospective analysis of eight years, Journal of The Faculty of Medicine _ Baghdad, 1983, 25, No. 3&4, 57 - 74.
    9. Khalid Abdulla and Nadhim Allawi, Climatic effects on patients on maintenance haemodialysis, Journal of The Faculty of Medicine _ Baghdad, 1985, 27, 3, 91 - 96.
    10. Abdulla K., Ingles R.M., Ivanovich P.T., Lee J.S., Lopoatkin N.A., Mingardi G., Parker J., Roxe D.M., Swyter J., Ting Yu S., International perspectives on chronic renal failure, (Editorial) Dialysis and Transplantation, 1985, 14, 342-356.
    11. Khalid Abdulla, Survival rates of patients on maintenance haemodialysis in Mosul - Iraq, Dialysis and Transplantation, 1986, 15, 327 - 333.
    12. Khalid Abdulla, R.A. Ahmed, M.J. Al-Habbal, R.Y. Mohammed Ali, B.M. Yahya, Double blind comparison of Trimethoprim-Sulphadiazine in the treatment of urinary tract infections, Journal of The Faculty of Medicine - Baghdad, 1986, 28, 3, 13 - 21.
    13. Khalid Abdulla, M.J. Al-Habbal, D. Krajci, Light and electron microscopic study of renal biopsies in the adult nephrotic syndrome in Northern Iraq – A preliminary report, Journal of The Faculty of Medicine - Baghdad, 1987, 29, 1, 63 - 74.
    14. Khalid Abdulla and Maher Taka, Climatic effects on blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 1988, 64, 23 - 26.
    15. Szepietowski T., Khalid Abdulla, Ahmed A.J., Protein loss during isolated ultrafiltration in patients with chronic renal failure, Journal of The Faculty of Medicine - Baghdad, 1988, 30, 2, 183-189.
    16. Szepietowski T., and Khalid Abdulla, Predialytic isolated ultrafiltration in overhydrated patients on maintenance haemodialysis, Journal of The Faculty of Medicine - Baghdad, 1988, 30, 4, 411-420.
    17. Szepietowski T., and Khalid Abdulla, Isolated ultrafiltration - sequential dialysis in overhydrated patients with chronic renal failure, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski (Polish Medical Journal), 1988, 43, 15, 471-474.
    18. Abdulla K., Tapoo A.K., and Agha H.S.A., Ruptured cerebral hydatid cyst: a case report, Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1988, 91, 302-305.
    19. Khalid Abdulla and Ahlam A. Khayrolla, Diurnal variations in plasma urea of hospital patients, J. Fac. Med. Baghdad, 1989, 31, 241-245.
    20. Al-Habbal M.J., Al-Dewachi H., Abdulla K., A clinico-pathological study of the adult nephrotic syndrome in Northern Iraq, The Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America, 1994, 26, 52-55.
    21. Hashim A., Abdulla K., Renal failure complicating non-renal diseases in hospital patients, J. Saddam University, 1998, 1, 85-92.
    22. Salman N., Sumair W., Abdulla K., Teaching haematology in the third or fourth medical year, does it make a difference? J. Saddam University, 1998, 1, 97-99.
    23. Hovsrpian R.,  Al-Haddad M.,  Abdulla K., Comparison of blood pressure measurements in bare arm, clothed arm and forearm,  J. Fac. Med. Baghdad, 1996, 38, 221-224.
    24. Hikmat K., Abdulla K., Microscopic bacteriuria in the diagnosis of symptomatic urinary infection. J. Fac. Med. Baghdad, 1997, 39, 18-23.
    25. Abdulla K.., Salman N., Mahdi H., The role of students and examiners in deciding the results of  clinical examinations, J. Fac. Med. Baghdad, 1998, 40, 69-72.
    26. Hikmat K., Abdulla K., Microscopic pyuria in the diagnosis of symptomatic urinary infection. J. Fac. Med. Baghdad, 1998, 40, 447-452.
    27. Abdulla K.,  Our medical research: What does it search for?, (Editorial) (In Arabic, بحوثنا الطبية: عن ماذا تبحث؟), The Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2000, 1, 3-5.
    28. Sami A, Abdulla K., Complications during haemodialysis in the University Hospital dialysis unit, The Iraqi Journal of Medical sciences, 2000, 1, 39-42.
    29. Bahadili A., Abdulla K,. The value of intraperitoneal Gentamicin in preventing peritonitis complicating peritoneal dialysis, The Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2001,1, 174-178.
    30. Sami A., Hashim H.M., Abdulla K., Pulmonary function tests in patients with chronic renal failure: the effect of single dialytic procedure. The Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2002, 1, 367-371.
    31. Abdulla K., Uraemic encephalopathy ( Review article),Iraqi Neurosciences, 2002, No. 5, p. 1-2.
    32. Sami A., Elyas J., Abdulla K., Upper gastrointestinal endoscopic findings in uraemic patients, Iraqi J. Comm. Med., 2002, 15, 38-41.
    33. Bahadili A., Abdulla K,. A study of peritonitis complicating peritoneal dialysis, The Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2002, 2, 90-96.
    34. Hassen A.R., Bahadli A.J., Abdulla K., Hyponatraemia in hospital inpatients, Iraqi J Med Sci, 2003, 2 (Suppl.1), 100-104.
    35. Bahadli A., Sami A., Abdulla K., Indications of acute dialysis in the university hospital, Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2003, 2(Supl.2), 101-105.
    36. Khalid Abdulla, Science and art in the practice of medicine (Editorial), Iraqi  Journal of Medical Sciences, 2003, 2 (Suppl. 3), 1-2.
    37. Bahadli A.J., Swidan A., Abdulla K., Nutritional assessment of patients with advanced chronic renal failure, Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2004, 3(1), 38-42.
    38. Jabur W. L., Bahadli A.J., Abdulla K., Causes of chronic renal failure in an Iraqi general hospital, Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2004, 3 (1), 47-50.
    39. Dahiri M., Sami A., Abdulla K., Urinary stones in Iraq, accepted for publication in the Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences.
    40. Khalid Abdulla, Medical practice: Is the book always right? (Editorial), Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2005, 4, 117-118.
    41. Khalid Abdulla, Thoughts on examination of medical students (Editorial), Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2006, 1, 1-2.
    42. Jabur WL, Mohammed Saaed HM, Khalid Abdulla, Early non-immunological post transplant compications: a single center experience, Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl, 2008, 19(4): 751-657.
    43. Jabur WL, Saeed HM, Khalid Abdulla, Plasma cell dyscrasia: LCDD vs Immunotactoid glomerulopathy, Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl, 2008; 19(5): 802-805.
    44. Wael Latif Jabur, Hareth M. Mohammed Saaed, Khalid Abdulla, Acute Renal Transplant Rejections: A Single center Experience, Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant, 2008;19(6):948-951.
    45. Wael Lateef Jebur, Khalid Abdulla, Sohrab Tomaraei, Characteristics of Atheromatous Renovascular Disease in Dubai: A Single Center Experience, Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant, 2013;24(5):1062-1067.
    46. Khalid Abdulla, Guidelines, calculators and clinical judgement (Editorial), Iraqi Journal of  Medical Sciences, 2013, 11, 303-305.
    47. W. L. Jabur, P. Nasa1, K. A. Mohammed, A. Kulkarni, S. N. Tomaraei, An Observational Epidemiological Study of Exercise‑induced Rhabdomyolysis Causing Acute Kidney Injury: A Single‑center Experience, Indian Journal of Nephrology, 2018, 28, 101-104.
    48. Khalid Abdulla Mohammed, Clinical examination nowadays, The Lancet, 2016, 388, 559-560.
    Book Authorship:
    Khalid Abdulla, Renal Diseases (A book in Arabic in 310 pages), published by Dar-Al-Kutub of Mosul University, Mosul, 1982.